The Life and Times of a Former Hoss: The Gift and the Curse

Shocking, another 1L blog. I bet if we didn't collectively spend so much time blogging, 1L may be less stressful. Find my thoughts on life, law, and... something else cliche that starts with an L.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Do I need an intervention?

SD: we had an eating disorder lecture today
Me: do i have one?
Me: b/c that would be ALL the rage
SD: and she was talking about how 1 mil. men have eating disorders
SD: and I asked: do they characterize different than female eating disorders?
SD: and she said: yes, for men it's about getting as big as possible, having strange food rituals and exercise mandates, lifting too much, and consuming too much protein
SD: I kid you not!
Me: did you tell her your b/f has an eating disorder?
SD: that's what I thought!
Me: i also vomit it up
Me: and then re-digest the vomit for fear of missing out on protein
Me: your cruelty drives me to meat

Sunday, October 29, 2006

A Nor'easter blowing through...

I went out today to do a little shopping and checked the forecast ahead of time since I had no idea how cold it was. It was only 54, but wind was steady at 30 mph with gusts of 50 mph. This was ridiculous. Walking down Broadway, the buildings were acting like little funnels for the wind. People were stumbling around, hats being blown off. The last time I was blown that hard it was at least in the privacy of my own apartment.

Also, they have been shooting a movie in Washington Square Park for the past few weeks (I have been told Will Smith is in it). They have some SERIOUS electrical equipment out there including some lights that I honestly think are there to simulate moonlight. One of these towers is like 150 feet tall. But, they can't just pack all this stuff up and unpack it everyday so they just leave it in the park. This I do not understand.... just two blocks down the street I saw a new BMW M3 have all of its rims stolen, but they can leave millions in electrical equipment in a park full of weed-smoking and dealing homeless people for weeks on end? Maybe they're just too high to care.

Friday, October 27, 2006

I've got no excuse...

So, I wish I could say that the reason that I haven't updated my blog is something legitimate like, actually doing work. That's not the case. Well, SD did come up and visit so that was 5 days that I was incapacitated. And might I add, I think I ran up a pretty good score against my neighbor. Take that! But, then I had the bright idea of buying Tiger Woods Golf which has completely destroyed my productivity. On the bright side, I've logged two hole-in-ones this week and have just qualified for Q-School. Man, I really hope that is on my CivPro final...

I've got no excuse...

So, I wish I could say that the reason that I haven't updated my blog is something legitimate like, actually doing work. That's not the case. Well, SD did come up and visit so that was 5 days that I was incapacitated. And might I add, I think I ran up a pretty good score against my neighbor. Take that! But, then I had the bright idea of buying Tiger Woods Golf which has completely destroyed my productivity. On the bright side, I've logged two hole-in-ones this week and have just qualified for Q-School. Man, I really hope that is on my CivPro final...

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Gunner Moment of the Week

I realized maybe I should talk about law school every once in a while... and occasionally funny things happen in class (outside of what happens in my AIM conversations, that is). Today, our CivPro professor starts to call on someone and then stops.

Prof: "Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you had your hand up."
Gunner: "No, I didn't... but I could still say something anyway. (Begin long-winded answer which included trying to interrupt the professor at least 3 times with, "But!...")

I can't wait for our Fantasy Gunner League to start. More details to follow.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Dear next-door neighbor...

I'm really happy that you are actually having sex, and doing so on a Sunday morning when most good Americans would be in church (and not synagogue either, don't think I don't notice that Star of David over your door). After seeing most of the 1Ls in action (or inaction) at this week's SBA event, I was really starting to get worried that the anxiety level would never drop in our classes because no one was ever going to get laid. So, good for you. But please tell your boyfriend to keep it down. He is really killing the mood on this side of the wall.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Fair and balanced reporting

While there are certainly things about my roommate that annoy me, I have to give him props on this one. This email has been cracking me up all day. Our building managers have decided to turn on the heat starting tomorrow. While that's all well and good it really is not THAT cold out yet. So, these two emails were sent to our managers:

"Are you people completely insane? It's early October and they're calling for temperatures in the 70s next week. I'm still running my air conditioning on high half of the time and I can barely go outside during the day without sweating. Is this even legal? Don't you people have to provide us at least with window AC units or something so we don't die of hyperthermia?"

Followed by:

Just as a follow-up, all the buildings of the law school are kept at obscenely high temperatures. I have a class in F where I can't even function without a bottle of ice water. The problem as I see it is that this school and this city are full of fat people who have incredibly low metabolisms because they never engage in physical activities and spend all their time studying in the library and eating simple carbs. I fail to see why I and others should suffer simply because others are slowly killing themselves.There is an obesity epidemic in this country, and high building temperatures only encourages it. Please don't let D [our building] be partof the problem.

What do you think? Think we'll get to keep our A/C for a few days?

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Well, isn't karma a B?

After cracking on Jim Abbott in my last post, I have now lost the use of my right hand. Oh the irony. Let me just say I had a hell of a weekend. Flag football resulted in a disappointing 13-6 loss, despite my 40-50 yard touchdown reception in coverage and another nearly 80 yard catch and run on my part where I was chased out at around the 5. So, we had a chance to score to tie the game with under a minute to go and our QB overthrew a wide open receiver in the end zone to be picked off. On top of that, I broke my middle finger and had a slight groin pull during the football game.

To make matters worse, my attempt to soften the pain of the groin injury resulted in me nearly passing out from pain. Let me explain. While sitting down, I decided to apply some IcyHot to the inner part of my thigh, not thinking that when I stood up my testicles would be brushing against that part of my thigh. About 30 seconds later, I'm writhing about on the floor in the worst pain of my life. Although I must say, this sounds like a good torts hypothetical. There certainly is no warning in the tube that says "Do not apply this product to your genitals."

So to sum up my wild weekend for the lazy reader out there here are the Cliff's Notes:

1) Broke my middle finger.
2) Mild groin strain.
3) Nearly IcyHotted my balls into oblivion.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Prior to my porcelain cruise...

I thought I would share some thoughts:

1) Today I saw a car with a No Questions "?" Asked Car Club. I think they must be desperate for membership. This particular gem is an '88 Honda Accord with nothing done to it outside of some gawdy, Wal-Mart style Fhrome (Fake Chrome) rims. You'd think in a city of like 10+ million people they could be a little more selective, but to each their own.

2) Our school must be an athletic menace on the field. I saw someone wearing one of our Track shirts today and he only had one arm. Not to say that people with one arm can't be athletes, I seem to recall an Atlanta Braves pitcher with only one arm (although apparently not well enough to remember his name. I'm sure one of you that actually likes baseball will remind me), but let's just say I hope he doesn't do the pole vault.

3) Resources are pretty scarce at our school gym. Specifically, there is only one squat rack in the entire weight room. Fortunately, most people here seemed to be scared of such heavy-weight, complex exercise movements but that doesn't mean that things always go swimmingly when I need to use the rack. Last week when I wanted to do some barbell shrugs there was a guy over there deadlifting around 315 pounds. Now, chances are if a guy is deadlifting that much he can probably whoop my ass. Especially if this guy is like 5'6... he's particularly built. But fast forward to today, one week later. As R and I are about to go do shrugs, we notice two guys over in the squat rack. And what are they doing? Barbell curls with all of 60 pounds. Not a huge deal, but it's not like you actually need the rack for that... so I go over:

Me: How many sets do you guys have left?
DB (you can figure out that abbreviation yourself): Three.
Me: Oh okay, do you mind if we use the rack for shrugs while you rest? Or just take your barbell out of the rack?
DB: You can't just wait?
Me: (thinking to myself) No, we can't just wait... we're on a pretty tight schedule here. (Which is true, I don't like to have to wait like 6-8 minutes just to do a f'in exercise and I was supposed to meet my friend V at the pool for another workout after weights).
Me: (what I actually said) Fuck it, whatever...

Little things like this often annoy me... you can easily do 60 lbs outside of the rack, but it's a lot harder to deadlift 275 lbs off the ground and then do shrugs with them and then repeat. Especially when that person is me and has abnormally weak legs and a lower back... but despite our gym's lacking in the squat department, they do have an entire rack of preloaded barbells with 15-105 pounds on them in 5 lb increments precisely for that purpose. I think I was in the right about this one. Any gym goers care to share their thoughts?

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


For those of you keeping score at home, you can add a broken jar of fruit preserves on our kitchen floor. Mmmmm, deliciously sticky.