The Life and Times of a Former Hoss: The Gift and the Curse

Shocking, another 1L blog. I bet if we didn't collectively spend so much time blogging, 1L may be less stressful. Find my thoughts on life, law, and... something else cliche that starts with an L.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Now it really is the FINAL countdown

So, less than 8 hours away from my final final now and today has started off with a bang. Yup, it's 6:15 am and since I've already cooked and eaten breakfast that puts my wake-up time around 5:45 am. I had some awful dreams last night that ended with me waking up feeling kind of anxious and nervous. First, I had an odd dream where I went to my exam and sat down to take it and it was a multiple choice question. So, I knock that out in like 45 minutes but since we have four hours for the exam I really feel like I shouldn't leave so I wait for other people to start finishing. After going up to turn into that part of the exam, then we are given 6 long essay questions that we're allowed to do at home but for some reason I take it into my head that, even though this test was supposed to end at 1:30 technically we "had four hours" for the exam so I bring back the essay questions and decide I'll just take a nap for a bit instead. Of course, I end up sleeping through the 1:30 deadline and end up arguing with the school about how I didn't use my four hours because I was sleeping. I think finals just need to end.


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