The Life and Times of a Former Hoss: The Gift and the Curse

Shocking, another 1L blog. I bet if we didn't collectively spend so much time blogging, 1L may be less stressful. Find my thoughts on life, law, and... something else cliche that starts with an L.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Did someone say oral???

I hate going to the dentist. It seems like everytime I go, I get poked and prodded for about 45 minutes while they clean my teeth and then I sit up for the inevitable lecture that they give me. "Your teeth are fine but your gums are in terrible shape, you need to floss more... blah blah blah." Meanwhile, my eyes are starting to glaze over while I mumble something about starting to floss more often and I'm pretending to listen while instead I'm noticing that under "Emergency Precautions" their standard procedure for resuscitation efforts are to "continue until you are tired." Great... I hope I don't have a heart attack here, or else this chubby won't be able to give me CPR for more than 30, 45 seconds tops. Also, it must feel great to be a dentist. The hygenist slaves over my teeth for about 45 minutes, finishes, and then tells me that the dentist will be right in. He strolls in about 10 minutes later, obviously slowed by his fat wallet (which is at least 3x as thick as the hygenist's). He then looks at my teeth very slowly, tapping each one with his little scraper deal. I have no idea what he is doing up there.... probably just counting my teeth to make sure they are all there. In less than five minutes he has now decreed that my teeth look fine and that he hopes to see me in six months. It must be easy to be a dentist... is it too late for a career change?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree, the detist is a con artist. I hate the lecture from the broad poking your teeth too. Well you know what toots? Maybe my gums wouldn't bleed so much if you didn't poke at them with a fucking sharp metal point!

7:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, here I am thinking, "my gums don't bleed when I floss at home." Oh wait a second, I also don't use a scalpel there either. Ass.

8:22 PM  
Blogger Butterflyfish said...

I was in the dentist office today from 9am til about 2pm (had to have just a little work done).

8:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And seriously, where do these hygenists get their training? I'm thinking Auschwitz. I'm pretty sure that I could be less painless to a patient than some of these career hygenists and still get their teeth/gums clean.

12:27 PM  

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