The Life and Times of a Former Hoss: The Gift and the Curse

Shocking, another 1L blog. I bet if we didn't collectively spend so much time blogging, 1L may be less stressful. Find my thoughts on life, law, and... something else cliche that starts with an L.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Blog hiatus

Not really taking one, but I feel like I'm returning from one. There has been alot of stuff going on lately which has kind of prevented me from writing a new entry, which is in a way ironic, since you think it would provide me with more material... Oh well, no worries I am not going the way of the BV. Speaking of, he is moved in in his apartment for law school and I am jealous... I'm just sitting around letting time fly before August 27th which is fastly approaching.

Speaking of law school... I'm not really on the "up and up" if you will about law school. I feel mostly underprepared for it, except when I talk to my roommate who is more of a slacker than myself. I knew he would be good for something. However, the Charlotte Observer just had an article about the new "Charlotte School of Law" opening up, brought to you by the same people who founded the Florida Coastal School of Law. Charlotte is the new Atlanta I'm telling you... getting ready to become a law school powerhouse. Seriously though, it's gotta be hard to break into this cut-throat industry. I remember the College of Charleston law school that opened a year or two ago and has YET to get certified by the ABA. I really feel for all these kids who are going there, shelling out thousands of dollars a year, for a school that might not get certified and will certainly only give them the barest of job prospects when they graduate. But that's about as long as my sorrow will last because I'm not going there and neither are any of my friends so I should stop pretending like I care.

NYC countdown is fastly approaching zero... I think I have something like a week and a half to go and I'm excited. Oh, one of the reasons I haven't been posting is that my internet has been working at less than dial-up speeds. For a while, I started to think my dad lost his job or something. But that has been taken care of for now so I can live like a civilized person.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You better call me once you get settled in....considering I'll only be like a 20-30 minute drive/train ride from you now....aren't you lucky? lol ;-) I feel your pain with the internet though....I've been willing to commute 35 minutes to work just so I can be down at my apartment to have internet...since my dad is just clueless and somehow managed to screw up the wireless in our house. Anyway, glad you're blogging again...I missed being able to laugh at your sarcasm =)

7:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

СУПЕР-сказка! [url=]гороскоп мужчины скорпиона[/url]

3:19 PM  

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