The Life and Times of a Former Hoss: The Gift and the Curse

Shocking, another 1L blog. I bet if we didn't collectively spend so much time blogging, 1L may be less stressful. Find my thoughts on life, law, and... something else cliche that starts with an L.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Dear Santa

I'm praying to Santa now since it is at least getting close to Christmas time and I don't think there is a God anymore. If there was a God, Florida wouldn't have blocked South Carolina's field goals three times in one game. Or at the very least, God is not a Gamecocks fan. I would say he is not a Panthers fan, but we just aren't playing very well. But Santa (and maybe God too) should know that I am a devoted Gamecocks fan, and if they want to make my season and year complete, they will let us beat Clemson this year. That is all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, our priorities are in order lol Sorry South Carolina sucks...if it makes ya feel any better, I was embarassed to be a Giants fan on Sunday ;-)

1:30 PM  

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