The Life and Times of a Former Hoss: The Gift and the Curse

Shocking, another 1L blog. I bet if we didn't collectively spend so much time blogging, 1L may be less stressful. Find my thoughts on life, law, and... something else cliche that starts with an L.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I'm Baccccckkkkk (Cue the T.O. rap song)

I'm sure you all missed me... and no, if you were going to guess it hasn't been the Tiger Woods Golf that has kept me away. I've actually been pretending to be a student which is pretty much a brand new experience to me. Right now I'm hanging out in one of our lounges taking a much needed break from Torts and thought I would provide a few updates:

1) There is in fact a God. You know how I know? Carolina beat Clemson this year, 31-28. I almost wanted to cry.... every year that I was there for undergrad we lost this rivalry game and my first year out we pull off the victory. Must be that Spurrier magic, but if you really want to know how important the game is to me, this was a conversation that happened between me and my girlfriend during the game:

GF: "something something something I love you."
(Corey Boyd breaks 4 tackles)
Me: "I love Corey Boyd."

Apparently I'm not the only one who thinks this game is that important. Somewhere in South Carolina a man fatally shot one of his friends over a $20 bet on the game. The hatred really runs deep in this rivalry.

2) I was riding the subway today and there was an ad for a personal injury attorney that was entirely in Spanish. Okay, so that's not terribly surprising or exciting. But, you would never guess what the toll-free number for their firm was:


I'm sending in my application as soon as the ABA will let me.

3) I don't understand the general lack of courtesy up here, people really act like opening a door for someone or holding an elevator is like straight out of the 1700s. Maybe it is, someone should clue me in. At the same time, it's really starting to rub off on me. You know, sometimes I really don't feel the need to postpone my elevator trip 2 seconds by waiting for you... plus, then I can point and laugh at you as the doors close in your face. And, I don't ever have to worry about that awkward elevator ride with you later because chances are you wouldn't share anyway.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Cory Boyd too, and you should know how sacred a bet is, mother fucker better get paid!

2:00 PM  

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