The Life and Times of a Former Hoss: The Gift and the Curse

Shocking, another 1L blog. I bet if we didn't collectively spend so much time blogging, 1L may be less stressful. Find my thoughts on life, law, and... something else cliche that starts with an L.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

A Night Out With The Boys

Last night, my boy Silky (also known as PK on the blog) and SH (another USC college grad) went out in downtown Charlotte. Despite living here for a while, I really never went out drinking in downtown before... it's about a 15 minute drive from my house and usually caters to the mid 20s crowd, which I am fastly approaching. The night started off a little rough when I gave Silky the wrong exit number to get off at to get to my house. I knew things were probably a little off when I got a call that said, "Hey man, I just crossed over the state border..." But, like Silky said, you knew it was going to be a good night when it involves a trip across state lines although this time there was no body in the trunk.

Silky arrives in his aptly-named Bone Ranger almost simultaneous with SH at my house and we head out. We spent most of the night drinking at the Buckhead Saloon. I think we learned a few important universal truths:

1: If you are a bouncer at a bar it is a requirement to be a skinhead. Not only does it make you look more intimidating, it's necessary to protect the proper white:black ratio in said bar. Seriously, the entrance to this bar looked like a casting call for American History X. Ironically, the only bouncer there who didn't have a shaved head went to high school and college with Silky although he was a recent hire so I'm sure he will be Teddy Savales bald in days.

2. If you go to Buckhead, the real party takes place in the bathroom, though given our friend ZS's college antics involving girls and bathrooms we probably should have known this ahead of time. After SH telling Silky that this was the whitest bar he's ever been to (the cover band consisted of two white guys on guitars, which were at one point singing "Holla Back Girl" and the DJ was spinning such contemporary hits as "Getting Jiggy With It" and "It's Getting Hot in Hurr") we walk into the bathroom to find the only black employee with his own boombox rocking Tupac's "Gangsta Party." If I wasn't wearing sandals and feeling like my feet were getting pissed on, I would have stayed there all night.

3. Do not let yourself get pulled over by Charlotte's finest bike policemen. I don't mean Harley-bike, but Schwinn bike. We witnessed some guy getting pulled over by two cops on bicycles (although I'm not sure why would you let this happen, just get up to any speed >15 mph and you should be set). Within minutes he is being handcuffed, a prisoner transport van has arrived, along with two Char-Meck police cars and a State Trooper. We suspected drugs were involved. Ironically enough, a limo pulled up next to the bust and someone made a joke about this being the drug lord bailing out his coke mule.... within seconds of the limo's arrival the police cars left. That's power, baby.

4. Women unequivocally do not like to be hit on from a moving vehicle. Silky got the cold shoulder twice from women as he tried to roll down his window to get their attention. How did she know that we weren't just curious as to whether or not she had any Grey Poupon? Awfully pretentious of her to assume that he was going to hit on her. That part was just a lucky guess.

We managed to drink pretty cheaply at Buckhead though, I picked up 3 rounds of beer for everyone and some how 9 beers ended up costing me only 16 bucks. I'm not a mathematician so I thought not to argue.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good times, good times.

1:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

very enjoyable story.

on a random side note, on account of the whole "Gift and the Curse" should Check out the song "Swagger Jacker" by Camron. He just calls out Jay-Z for stealing rhymes.


7:03 PM  
Blogger Hoss said...

Yeah, Jay-Z has been accused of being a 'biter' from a lot of lyricists. For one, I don't think Camron has been around long enough to talk that much shit ;). I'm gonna chalk that one up to him never writing down his lyrics though and just composing everything in his head. He's still one of my favorite artists, but I will check out the song.

8:37 AM  

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