The Life and Times of a Former Hoss: The Gift and the Curse

Shocking, another 1L blog. I bet if we didn't collectively spend so much time blogging, 1L may be less stressful. Find my thoughts on life, law, and... something else cliche that starts with an L.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

I got the US open, advantage Dickson

I realized why I hadn't been posting very often lately: I haven't been doing jackshit. Most of my days were spent trying to find the most appropriate porn for my morning workout and packing for NYC. The less I interact with people, the less opportunities I have to get pissed off at the idiots in the world. But, after my foray into the "real world" today, I feel a little better to be sitting behind my Dell.

Charlotte has slowly turned into a police state and I always seem to forget it. One of the highways right by my house has "photo enforced speed limits." It's a 45 mph zone, and when I lived here during high school, at least 55 was common and acceptable, if not at least 60. (One of my friends actually got pulled over for doing 125 on this road... not the smartest, but the fact that he could get up to 125 proves that the road isn't that dangerous.... well, now that he's off of it). Now, it seems like everyone driving this road is in the AARP, driving around 35-40. This might not be too far from the truth since there is a retirement community called Plantation Estates (probably called so for the wealthy and white octogenarians who actually owned plantations back in the day). If I'm driving a pick-up truck that is loaded down with nearly a half ton of wood chips, and I think you're taking the turn to slow we're in bad shape. Why is that the elderly drive so slow? It's as if they are scared that any sudden movements could release the contents of their colon onto the cheap upholstery of their EconoBox. Maybe that's why their teeth are always clenched, with whitening knuckles maddeningly clenching the wheel? But then, if they're worried about inadvertently auditioning for a spot in an "Ooops, I Crapped My Pants" commercial, you would think they would hurry the fuck up. This is about as far as I've gotten and I remain as perplexed as ever. You figure it out.

The jury is still out on my 1L class. Someone sent out an email on our listserv wondering where to buy kegs near the Village in order to supply a welcoming party for the 1Ls (thumbs up). But today on the listserv, someone posted a "Callback Competition" where he was bragging about the number of callbacks he got (douche-chill). Be on the lookout for updates.


Blogger Dr. X said...

the guy on the listserv was kidding. did it not tip you off when he boasted of getting 12 callbacks with 1 firm, or several with firms he had not interviewed with? :)

12:26 PM  
Blogger Hoss said...

I figured he was kidding Mr. Samuel ;). But, what I didn't know is whether or not he was kidding in a "I am funny way" or in a "I'm trying to intimidate all the incoming 1Ls, let's get a laugh at their expense" kind of way.

6:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The road next to your house fucking sucks. . .that is all.

2:38 PM  

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