The Life and Times of a Former Hoss: The Gift and the Curse

Shocking, another 1L blog. I bet if we didn't collectively spend so much time blogging, 1L may be less stressful. Find my thoughts on life, law, and... something else cliche that starts with an L.

Friday, September 22, 2006

What kind of fruit roll-up will he roll up with next?

Life with my roommate is always a surprise and I often wake up wondering what tragedy will have overcome our apartment during the night while I'm sleeping. Anyone that has lived with me knows that I am not the neatest person in the world, but I think I'm changing my ways. For all the naysayers (here is looking at you Noyes, though you were never as bad as "you know who") I wash my egg pan every morning after I'm done now. Having 2 square feet for your entire kitchen leaves little room for error. But the combination of my roommate not being the cleanliness and a total klutz is enough to make me even wish he was as clean as me. Here's a recap of all the things that I can't think of that have happened in the not quite month since I've moved here: 1) a full trash can knocked over, not out of sheer accident but because he thought it would be a good idea to pull it toward him with his toe even though both hands were free 2) an entire bag of coffee beans spilled on the floor 3) a bottle of wine dropped on the floor and shattered 4) an "in progress" espresso machine knocked off a table (that includes liquids and ground coffee roast on the floor 5) a device with a rubber handle placed on an open flame which consequently caught fire 6) a television knocked off it's stand. Twice. In one day. And last but not least 7) a bathroom that appears as if it has been flooded after every shower.

So, who wants to come visit?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is your roommate's name Adam Hark by chance, and yes, visiting you now seems less attractive. -Silky

6:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, the only time I ever said anything to you about cleaning was when I got sick and tired of "You Know Who" bitching to me non-stop about it and I had to show her that I was actually going to do something about it. I know you have the capacity to be clean, and I also know that sometimes shit just doesn't get cleaned till later. Hope you straighten the klutz out.

11:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha. why the "you know who"?? haha. you should just "steal" her peanut butter again.

1:05 AM  

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