The Life and Times of a Former Hoss: The Gift and the Curse

Shocking, another 1L blog. I bet if we didn't collectively spend so much time blogging, 1L may be less stressful. Find my thoughts on life, law, and... something else cliche that starts with an L.

Friday, May 19, 2006

A Meta-Blog

I have recently received several recommendations to avoid making my blog some sentimental "emo" read. By several, I mean one, but I thought I could make my blog sound more well-read if I phrased it otherwise. Almost tricked you, didn't it?

Regardless, this got me to thinking about what I wanted the context of my blog to be. While I consider myself to be somewhat of an intellectual, I rarely come across such earth-shattering ideas that I feel the need to either a/ dedicate an entire blog to them or b/ waste everyone else's time in reading them. Occasionally I may post insights into my latest project or paper, but mainly as a way for me to voice my initial thoughts in the roughest of draft forms. Feel free to either ignore or criticize those posts, especially if it is constructive.

With that being said, I am very pleased with the formatting and template of the blog; it kind gives it a professional appearance and feel, which makes me feel like what I'm saying is important, even when that is not the case, which will probably happen quite often. So, who knows what the blog will include. For now, it may be overwhelmed with comments about nanotechnology as I am finishing up what I guess can be called a 3 year career in that industry. Other times there may be rants about the population of Columbia, poor poker play, or my roommates. Then again, this blog is really designed for the start of law school at NYU, so if you don't like my blog now, check back at the end of August. Maybe it will pick up then.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hilarious. You know how I feel about blogs...even 'intellectual ones.' ;) Maybe you should dedicate your blog to super exciting things, like fostering a kitten! Say hello to our feline friend
PS: I'm watching TV right now, and they're talking about a diamond cream.
"Can you believe it?! A million f**king diamonds!"

9:09 PM  

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